MP to hold St Ives Retail Surgery
West Cornwall MP Derek Thomas is to hold a drop-in surgery on February 5th in support of independent shopkeepers.
This takes place at St Ives Cafe Art, Royal Square from 8.30 - 10am.
Mr Thomas comments 'This is an opportunity for our independent shopkeepers to share with me the challenges, concerns and ideas they have in relation to their business and their town centre. Over a cup of coffee I want to hear about the issues they face and to show my appreciation and support for the contribution they make in St Ives.'
Anyone who runs a shop in St Ives is welcome to drop in and speak with Derek Thomas. Concerns of any nature can be discussed with Mr Thomas and he will do whatever he can to help and to resolve any difficulties raised at the surgery.
Derek holds regular surgeries and these are available to all constituents. To book an appointment please contact the Constituency Office on 01736 363038 or email [email protected].